Ongoing activities

digital infraestructure incubator – cs&S

We were selected for the 2023 digital infraestructure incubator by Code for Science and Society

Participants in the 2023 cohort are open digital infrastructure projects exploring questions related to community stewardship, co-ownership, co-design, or other paradigms that center sharing and/or transferring power to relevant communities.

Working document

Progress report

Final presentation

Screen capture from DII – CS&S

open-climate fellowship

Nano Castro was selected as an Open-Climate fellow to explore how climate change issues can be addressed by and inscribed into the Open Agroecology Lab infrastructure.

Letter of intent

Final report

This project is part of the Open Climate 2023 Fellowship funded by Wikimedia Alliances Fund

Our-Sci & openteam collaboration

Collaboration with Our-Sci and OpenTEAM to work on open source tools for agroecology. Funded by GOSH

We will be working on tools and methos for:

  • Soil carbon prediction
  • Active carbon
  • Soil respiration

We will also demonstrate how an open source digital infrastructure of a distributed network of farms containing management and soil health information can be used to share, learn, and take actionable steps based on their shared knowledge.

We will organize two or three webinars to present the experience of Our-Sci and OpenTeam on the pitfalls and possibilities of adopting a digital infrastructure to collectively build knowledge and possible ways of using that infrastructure to value ecosystem services produced at farm level in connection with Open-Climate efforts.

Our Sci LLC | LinkedIn
Our-Sci LLC
OpenTEAM - Idealist
SurveyStack Kit - Apps on Google Play